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Autumn Lawn Care Guide

Autumn Lawn Care Guide

With Autumn on us, it is essential you know how to care for your lawn these coming months. Your lawn has been through it this summer, and needs some proper TLC to get it back on track. Most of the…

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All about Turf types in Australia

All about Turf types in Australia

There are many types of turfs in Australia and they all have different characteristics. You may ask, what’s the difference? There are two different types of grass, warm season and cool season types. Warm season grasses are best in spring…

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Should you mow or edge your lawn first?

Should you mow or edge your lawn first?

Keeping your lawn up to standards is a tough job and often takes a few days out of your calendar. It often starts with mowing and edging your lawns, but which one do you do first? Asking around, there seems…

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Lawn Tips for Summer

Lawn Tips for Summer

Summer is here and you might be excited for the hot temperatures and time at home. But your lawn is not happy. Summer for lawns means a lot of preparation and care from us so that they can flourish throughout…

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Aerating your lawn and keeping it healthy

Aerating your lawn and keeping it healthy

Grass roots need space below the surface to absorb water, nutrients and oxygen.  Aerating your lawn helps the grass 'breathe' and stay healthy.  It helps the lawn flourish whilst also protecting against common problems due to soil compaction: drainage issues,…

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Preventing a grub attack with Acelepryn GR

Preventing a grub attack with Acelepryn GR

Armyworm, African Black Beetle, Cutworm, and other grubs can all quickly cause extensive damage to your lawn. But what if there was a way you could prevent these damage causing grubs from crawling throughout your lawn? Well, Acelepryn GR is…

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Top Tips for Fertilising Your Lawn

Top Tips for Fertilising Your Lawn

Fertilising your lawn is an important part of lawn maintenance, keeping your lawn healthy and growing year round.  Generally - you should fertilise your lawn twice a year in autumn and spring to protect it during the colder months and…

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Identifyng Lawn Disease

Identifying Common Fungal Diseases in your lawn

Our local climate conditions can sometimes provide the ideal breeding ground for particular lawn diseases. Generally, these diseases develop due to excessive shade, compacted soil, poor drainage, and lack of sufficient lawn nutrition. In winter, some of these problems worsened…

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