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Daleys Turf Sunshine Coast

Storm Season is Here – Prepare Now!

There can be no denying that the storm season has arrived in South East Queensland. Now is the time to prepare to make sure that both our properties and our families are ready for what is shaping up to be…

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Daleys Turf Sunshine Coast

Maintaining Your Lawnmower

We all know that during the Queensland summer our lawns will require more frequent mowing, usually every two weeks. To ensure a healthy lawn and to reduce the risk of damage to the lawn plants, you need to use a…

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Daleys Turf Sunshine Coast

A Timely Reminder in the use of Chemicals

A news story broke recently of the tragic death of a South East Queensland man who accidentally swallowed a highly poisonous chemical when the pressure back-pack pump unit he was filling with herbicide cracked and the substance sprayed over him…

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Daleys Turf Sunshine Coast

Christmas is only 7 weeks away but don’t panic

That’s right it’s only seven more weeks until Christmas; but really it’s no need to panic. While the food and present shopping can still be put off for a while longer there is something that does need to be sorted…

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Daleys Turf Sunshine Coast

Chickens and Your Lawn

With raging debate over cage vs. free range eggs and the price of a dozen eggs rising all the time it’s no wonder that many South East Queensland families are turning to having chickens of their own. Easy to look…

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Daleys Turf Sunshine Coast

Buyer Beware when Buying Turf

The other day I was out at a branch of a large hardware superstore, that shall remain nameless, when I came across some rather cheap sounding turf all ready to be carted away right then and there. I mention this…

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Daleys Turf Sunshine Coast

The 2012 Lawn Make-Over Competition is over

The last entry has been received and the winner drawn in the Daleys Turf lawn make-over competition. Everyone at Daleys Turf has been humbled by the response, we had over 2600 entries, as well as the reasons how people would…

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