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Daleys Turf Sunshine Coast

Autumn Lawn Preparation in South East Queensland

Although the temperatures in South East Queensland are still quite warm and the odd summer storm still abounds, Autumn (March – May) is the time to take stock and prepare our lawns for the approaching cooler months. For many varieties…

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Daleys Turf Sunshine Coast

Mushrooms and Your Lawn

With the amount of rain lately in South East Queensland, it’s hardly surprising to see mushrooms popping up in backyards and parks across the region. Lawn mushrooms love damp, shaded areas that are rich in organic matter such as old…

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Daleys Turf Sunshine Coast

Humidity and your Lawn

Humidity can affect more than your ability to sleep at night and the frizziness of your hair, it can cause issues for your lawn too. High humidity levels, especially like those that South East Queensland is facing at the moment…

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Daleys Turf Sunshine Coast

Lawns Need to See the Light

We all need sunlight to survive and our South East Queensland lawns are no different. Regardless of the variety of lawn you have, sunlight is essential to its very survival. Direct sunlight will begin the process of photosynthesis in your…

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Daleys Turf Sunshine Coast

The clean-up begins in South East Queensland

How did you go with the recent wild weather in South East Queensland? We hope you and your property avoided too much damage and disruption. Despite a huge amount of rainfall and loss of power, Daleys Turf was lucky enough…

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Daleys Turf Sunshine Coast

Evaporation and Your lawn

Keep a close eye on your lawn during the warm weather. Water restrictions put in place during the drought, have now ceased in South East Queensland and not a moment too soon. We no longer need to sacrifice our lawns…

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