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Sometimes it happens that you have your Autumn Lawn Care Maintenance ready to do but Mother Nature just didn’t get the memo. So, what do you do when summer lasts longer than expected?

You should pretty much just go into a holding pattern and wait it out. Continue with your summer lawn care maintenance regime; watering, mowing and remaining vigilant to pests, disease and weeds.

Hold off on aerating the lawn (if you have soil compaction) until the last of the summer downpours has occurred and wait to fertilise until the weather turns cool. After a long summer and growing phase your lawn will definitely be in need of a boost of nutrients when it’s finally all over for the year. Some of the deciduous trees around Queensland have begun to drop their leaves so raking them up (to stop any potential problems caused by rotting plant matter) should be undertaken. Also, removing any thatch build-up and repairing any bare patches should keep you occupied in the meantime.

Continue to monitor rain forecasts and adjust your infrequent, but deep watering accordingly. Keep mowing your lawn that bit higher while the temperatures remain high in order to protect the soil from the heat and reduce the amount of moisture lost through evaporation.

If the longer summer has caused significant damage in terms of pest, disease or weed infestations, now is a perfect time to install a new lawn. The beauty of Queensland and turfs such as Sir Walter DNA Certified soft leaf Buffalo turf is that it can be installed at any time of the year and will establish beautifully.

Further questions or need for clarification can be directed to the Daleys Turf team since we’re here to support you for the life of your lawn.

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